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Camille Vann

Camille Vann

2020 Gilman Scholar


Indianapolis, IN


Interdisciplinary Agriculture


College of Agriculture


I have gotten to the state of being I am in today through perseverance and the thought in the back of my head that what I am doing is aiding a bigger cause. Whether it be through supporting my family, being an advocate for others, or my overall goal of becoming an influential voice in our current environmental crisis, I know it’s not in any way just about me. 


As a student of wildlife, I plan to focus my life’s work on the relationship between humans and charismatic species of animals, the ones that serve as symbols and rallying points to stimulate conservation awareness and action. These species are not only seen as a value to the public eye but also play key roles in the ecosystems they reside in. A key component in the success or demise of these species lies in their interactions with humans.


This core relationship component is one that I will study intensely through the School for Field Studies in Tanzania on a Gilman Scholarship. This experience focuses on wildlife management studies in relation to human-wildlife conflict and climate change. The main courses offered within this program are an introduction to the Swahili language and East African tribal communities, environmental policy and socio-economic values, techniques in wildlife management, and wildlife ecology.


The species I desire to study do not have a natural habitat here in the US. In Tanzania, I can evaluate, hands-on, the relationship between these species and the individuals who live within their same communities.


I have always known that I was meant to make a difference within this world and the community I decide to reside in. The current environmental crisis at hand, with all the layers beneath it, is something that has sparked a fire in me that nothing else has ever before, and I aspire to become an influential advocate within this crisis.